Zoology – BSc


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Are you fascinated by the structure, physiology, distribution and behaviour of animals – from microscopic creatures to turtles and bats? 

Our programme will give you an overview of modern zoological thinking, with a strong emphasis on the underlying concepts that shape our understanding of animal diversity.

You’ll receive a thorough grounding in vertebrate and invertebrate biology, plus modules in physiology, behaviour, evolution and neurobiology. Modules in molecular and population genetics, ecology, statistics and immunology are also available.

We place a strong emphasis on fieldwork, with compulsory and optional modules taking students to locations across the UK and internationally, including:

  • studying tropical ecology in Kruger Park, South Africa
  • day trips that look at various ecological data, such as predator-prey interactions
  • studying terrestrial and freshwater aquatic ecosystems in Croatia
Course Info
TESTIMONIAL- Zoology is the perfect course for anyone with an interest in the science of the natural world. It’s a course with plenty of hands on action, which takes you to lots of incredible places and gives you the chance to experience what a life as a scientist is like. Joshua Pope, Zoology (2019)