Advance your understanding of major diseases of the modern world and the latest research into treatments.
Our intercalated BSc in Experimental Pathology gives students already taking a medical or dental degree the chance to achieve an additional degree in this specialist field in just one year.
The programme is ideal if you want to specialise in the study of disease. It is designed to give you a thorough grounding in specific areas of experimental pathology, covering some of the major diseases of the modern world – from Cardiovascular and Neurodegenerative diseases to Cancer.
Teaching emphasises the importance of research and experimentation, and how the latest technological innovations can benefit patients. Core modules include Experimental Neuropathology, Cardiovascular Pathophysiology and Cancer Biology, with a range of option modules including the Science of Biocompatibility and Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine and the Molecular Basis of Personalised Medicine.
You’ll undertake your own original research project under supervision over a six-month period, which will allow you to think creatively and develop skills such as work planning, forming hypotheses and analysing data.