Design, Innovation and Creative Engineering – BEng


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Future design graduates will need to be both artist and scientist, able to understand and apply the latest technology alongside the creative process.

This practical programme allows you to develop strong creative design capabilities as well as scientific and engineering knowledge and skills. Our students don’t just apply their skills and knowledge to solve problems. They are creative designers, who step back and question why a problem exists and discover users that have been overlooked.

The programme is built around the core Design Studio modules – tutorial-style sessions where you are encouraged to think and develop as an independent designer, supported by visiting professionals.

These modules will be supported by fundamental engineering concepts and skills taught through our core engineering and materials modules such as ‘Engineering Design’ and ‘Designing for Manufacture’. Our modern programmes will also expand the computational and creative coding confidence of our students with new modules including ‘Computational Mathematical Modelling’, ‘Arts Application Programming’ and ‘Interactive Media Design & Production’.

Students who choose to take the MEng degree will carry out a further ambitious individual project in the fourth year, experiencing product development from inception to realisation. You’ll also take advanced engineering and materials modules that provide background knowledge for the project.

We’ve recently undertaken a review of our programmes to ensure that they will prepare you for life beyond 2030 and ensure they reflect the global challenges facing both our society and your future as engineers. We have developed the modules we offer in consultation with our students, staff and industry to enhance your student experience and graduate employability.

We have mapped the modules in our programmes to a range of attributes that we would like our students to attain, within the areas of creativity, resilience, communication and professional practice in order to produce well-rounded, interested and highly employable graduates. This not only ensures that students develop the required technical knowledge and understanding as they progress through their degree, but also gives us the confidence that students will graduate with skills they can apply to a range of future careers or higher-level study.

Course Info
You can complete your Design, Innovation and Creative Engineering degree in three, four or five years. A typical BEng programme will comprise 3 years of study, whilst a typical MEng programme will comprise 4 years of study. Study abroad can be taken in Year 3 and Year 3 modules will instead be taken in Year 4.